It’s prep day…pretty busy, but loving being with my family. Have a great Friday! “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High” – Monday Musical Musings Today, our 4th and 5th graders from Rocky Mountain Christian Church have joined kids from LifeBridge Christian Church at church camp. I’ve never been to the facility […]
Posts Tagged ‘music’
“God Almighty” – Musical Musings in March

“Wonderful Grace of Jesus” – Musical Musings in March (Sabbatical Post)

Today I’m taking you back to my college days. Music was all around and an impact on me, but if you were to ask other students, you’d probably hear the same. Chapel services with great hymns of our faith being sung. Christmas concerts. Choir tours. A stirring rendition of “Blessed Assurance” could even be […]
“Spirit of the Living God” – Monday Musical Musings