Who’s Watching?


Do you ever catch yourself watching someone? I do quite often. I love to people watch. But what is even more fun is to watch those you love.


Last Saturday, my grandkids, my daughter and I went to the zoo. There were plenty of people to watch there, but my four favorite subjects were the four I entered the zoo with. My little granddaughter Leslieanna couldn’t wait to see all of the animals and she wanted to up close and personal with all of them. The peacock, the goslings and the lorikeets were among her favorites because she could get close to them.


I’m sure God looks upon us in the same way. I would say God enjoys seeing us when we are happy or excited, disappointed when we miss the mark and comforts us when we are discouraged. I am so thankful to have a heavenly Father who cares for me as well as watches over me.


Take a look at a few verses that show us how God looks at us.


“The Eternal watches over the righteous, and His ears are attuned to their prayers. He is always listening.” (Psalm 34:15 – The Voice)


“The Eternal Creator of heaven and earth and these mountains will send the help I need. He holds you firmly in place; he will not let you fall. He who keeps you will never take His eyes off you and never drift off to sleep. What a relief! The One who watches over Israel never leaves for rest or sleep.” (Psalm 121:2-4 – The Voice)


“The Eternal can see all things; His gaze is fixed on both the evil and good.” (Proverbs 15:3 – The Voice)


“The Eternal watches everything that happens on earth so that He may strongly support those who follow Him.” (2 Chronicles 16:9a – The Voice)


“Does God not see the paths of my choosing; does He not count every single step I take?” (Job 31:4 – The Voice)


Yes, God watches over you and me and keeps an eye on what we are doing. Even down to the very steps we take each day (even better than a Fitbit!).


So I have to ask. What does God think as He watches you?


Are your actions in line with God’s plan for your life? Are your thoughts centered around things above instead of earthly things? Are your words pleasing to God’s ears? You may want to consider Who is watching you before you think, say or do anything today.


Now, the good news is that God knows you and me. He knows that we struggle with life. He also knows our hearts and motives. So when we miss the mark, He offers grace. When we are disappointed, He offers encouragement. When we mourn, He offers comfort. Those precious eyes of our God and Father are ever seeking to help us in our time of need. How blessed we are!


Let’s make today a good day!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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