Today is special for a couple of reasons. It is my husband’s birthday! It is so exciting to celebrate this special day with him and show him how much I appreciate what he does for our family. Happy birthday Mason! I love you!
Today also marks the one year birthday of Full Measure of Joy. I published my first blog post on this date in 2012. I didn’t have any real goals when I began writing. I knew that I wanted to share with others how God shows up in my day-to-day life and what He teaches me along the way. And I also wanted to post something every day.
I have published something each day this past year and have been totally amazed at how God showed up throughout my writing. I would have never dreamed how easily this goal was. I can only continue to give God the glory and praise for helping me along the way.
Which I suspect brings me to my second goal. If I hadn’t relied on God this past year, I’m certain I would have given up about week three. But I was certain I had something of value to share with others. That valuable piece of information revolves around Jesus and what He continues to do through me. Without Him, I wouldn’t be able to do anything (John 15:5).
Early on with Full Measure of Joy, this verse of Scripture joined my arsenal of favorite verses. “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” (Proverbs 16:3 – NIV)
I loved this verse with regard to my blog because I had given it to God. I felt from the beginning that it was His. This verse reminded me that I had committed it to God. Therefore, regardless of how many people stopped by my blog or how many comments I received, it was successful.
I saw this quote recently and haven’t been able to find the original source, but I believe there is some good in it. “Write your plans in pencil, but give God the eraser, because He will remove the wrong, by replacing it with the best for you.”
I not only use pencil a lot, but I also use erasable pens. I’m covering all my bases on this one!
This quote reminds me of the passage in James 4 that is titled “Boasting About Tomorrow.” This passage tells us that we should never plan without asking if it is God’s will. If we don’t, according to James, we are boasting and bragging.
I suspect with the second year of Full Measure of Joy there will be change. I believe the first thing I must do is set some new goals. You know, like a business plan. But not really a business plan. Just something a bit more tangible than what I’ve used this past year.
But I know at the top of the list will be that God is in control of all of it. He’s the real Author of Full Measure of Joy. And to be honest, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
So happy, happy birthday Mason and Full Measure of Joy! It’s been a great year!
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,