“Once and For All” – Monday Musical Musings


I have some special memories of my college days. People I drew closer to. Places visited. Events that seem like they happened yesterday. Classes and professors that helped to develop my foundation of faith. College days. They were exciting for me.


A special occurrence for me was when my Dad would have a speaking engagement in the Cincinnati area. When he spoke nearby, I was by his side. We’d travel and talk. These are precious memories for me.


At one speaking engagement, a woman sang a special just before Dad spoke. I thought the song was pretty. The music, the melody, and even the lyrics I thought were good. Until Dad and I had a conversation in the car on our return trip to my grandparents’ home. I must have mentioned the song because we had a long discussion on this one.


Dad filled me in on why this song was scripturally and doctrinally incorrect. That was my first lesson on paying attention to the lyrics of a song to see if they fall in line with what I believe. But more importantly what didn’t fall in line with what God’s Word said.


I’ve known people who have chosen not to sing certain songs in corporate worship. Some because of the doctrine found within the lyrics, others because they felt the lyrics weren’t quite as they should be (like placing more importance on the cross over Jesus’ love for mankind while on the cross).


Kind of makes you wonder about the songs we sing doesn’t it? Do you actually believe what you sing? Are you singing along because you like the tune, or the rhythm, or the way the band sings it? Or are you singing praise to God because you believe what you are singing?


The ladies who are taking my 1 and 2 Peter class will get an idea of how important this is. They will be writing out their own statement of faith. They will need to figure out what they believe and why they believe it. Once complete, they will have a firm foundation to hold everything else against. Teaching. Music. Others thoughts and beliefs. Everyday happenings in life. What they hear. What they see. What they experience. It will all be held up to their statement of faith.


It is no different for you or me. We must also have this firm foundation and belief system to hold everything against. I would encourage you to do this exercise sometime.


Recently, Chris Tomlin put out a new song about his own beliefs. We sing it. It’s popular. But does it line up with God’s Word? Well I would like for you to figure that out on your own. Here are the lyrics and a link to listen to the song is below it (as usual). Once you’ve spent some time with this song, determine if it does line up with God’s teaching. If it does, you’ll know you can sing it the next time it is sung at your church. I pray that you will not just examine this song, but any others that you hear or sing in worship. If it doesn’t line up with what you find in God’s Word, friends, we better not be singing it.


“Once and For All”[i]


Once and for all

The Father’s love

He is the light in the darkness

Who took on flesh

And took our place

The weight of the world on His shoulders

The weight of the world on His shoulders



We believe our God is Jesus

We believe that He is Lord

We believe that He has saved us

From sin and death

Once and for all


Once and for all

Our debt is paid

There on the cross it is finished

The Lamb of God for us was slain

Up from the grave He is risen

Up from the grave He is risen



Jesus, Jesus

God from God

Light from Light

You are our salvation

Jesus, Jesus

God from God

Light from Light

Your kingdom is forever


Click here to listen to “Once and For All.”


What do you believe?


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “Once and For All,” Words and Music by Chris Tomlin, Jason Ingram, Matt Maher, and Ed Cash, Worship Together Music, A Thousand Generations Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing, Open Hands Music, Valley of Songs Music, Thank You Music, Alletrop Music, 2013.

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