I am going on a job interview this morning. I’ve applied for hundreds of jobs over the past two years and to honest, I’m pretty weary of the whole process. However, when I am called for an interview, I get excited. Not that I’ll get the job. If my track record for interviews continues, I will not get it.
What I like about job interviews is it allows me to reflect upon my life and see how I’ve lived through my work place and work ethics. It gives me the opportunity to see how I’ve grown in all areas of my life, not just my work skills.
One particular area I know that has grown is sharing my faith and my beliefs during a job interview. In years past, I never mentioned my faith during the process. Not that I was ashamed of it, but there never seemed to be occasion to mention it.
But what I’ve come to realize is that the interviewer isn’t going to bring it up. If I want to talk about God and how He leads me through my day, I must be the one to initiate it. And I have.
My interviewer today sent a list of questions to answer before I even showed up. Of course, two of the questions asked how I might deal with an angry client. You know, someone who isn’t getting what they want fast enough. It’s a pretty typical question.
My response? I am a Christian. I rely on God’s Spirit to lead and guide me through situations such as this.
I’m not sure how this will go over in this particular job, a hospital setting in a liberal city, but I do know it’s what God would want me to say and how He wants me to live.
I cannot separate my faith from other areas of my life. It’s who I am. I am a child of the King at home, at work, at the mall, at the voting station, and at a baseball game. And not only am I a child of the King, the King sits on the throne of my heart. I cannot compromise my faith or my beliefs depending upon the situation I’m in. It must be all or nothing. It’s what Jesus asks of us.
Jesus told His disciples in John 14 about the gift of the Holy Spirit He would send to help them after He left. He said, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” (John 14:16-18 – NIV)
God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, the Comforter, the Breath of the Almighty, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Grace and Supplications, the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, this is the Spirit with me and in me.
Without God’s Spirit I wouldn’t care about others. A job would be a job. But with God’s Spirit, I am able to show compassion to those who may seem unworthy by others standards. With God’s Spirit, I can be a reflection of Jesus to those I connect with.
So today, I won’t apologize for who I am or to whom I belong. I’m a Christian and God’s Spirit leads and guides me in each situation. Oh, how thankful I am for God’s Spirit. Can you say the same?
How does God’s Spirit lead you through your day? Do you utilize this precious gift as much as you should? What Name of the Holy Spirit mentioned earlier is most impactful to you?
Why not drop me a line? I’d love to hear what you have to say about God’s Spirit.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,