“L” – Blogging A to Z

During the month of April, I’ve chosen to blog through the alphabet. Each day I will use a letter to share a Name of the Lord that begins with that letter based on Proverbs 18:10 and the fact that there is strength in the Lord’s Name. I pray you’ll be blessed and that you’ll stop by often.

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.”

Proverbs 18:10 – NIV


Lamb of God


Slightly shy newly-born lamb in a lush meadowIt is the week before Easter. It is one of my favorite weeks of the year. In college, I took a course about the life of Christ, specifically about the final week of Jesus’ life. So much occurred in those few days before Jesus’ death and resurrection. Crowds cheering. Parables taught. A final dinner with the beloved disciples. Arrest. Trials. Death. Victory. And this is just to name a few of the happenings of the week.


It’s during this week that we see the Lamb of God fulfill the task set before Him. John the Baptizer used this Name of the Lord as Jesus passed by (John 1:29).


In our day in age, we look at a lamb with tenderness. We see a cute little critter. However, in John’s day, a lamb was one of their sacrificial animals. Once a perfect lamb was found, it would be taken to the priests. There were two lambs sacrificed each day, one in the morning and one at night. On the Sabbath, these sacrifices were doubled.


It was understood that the sacrifice of these animals was a way for God’s people to approach Him and to restore their walk with God. It was in this sacrifice that the sins of the people were forgiven.


When John called Jesus the Lamb of God, perhaps those around him didn’t understand that Jesus would become the sacrificial Lamb, but that is exactly what John meant. Jesus would be the Way for us to approach God and to restore our walk with Him. It was through Jesus’ sacrifice that our sins are forgiven. The Lamb of God.


I’d like to share a song today (it is Monday after all) about the Lamb. You’ll recognize it as soon as you begin reading the words. And then, take a moment to listen to this tune. Find yourself in the moment. Feel the intensity. Come to understand the sacrifice made on your behalf.


“Watch the Lamb”


Walking on the road to Jerusalem.
The time had come to sacrifice again.
My two small sons they walked beside me down the road.
The reason that they came was to watch the lamb…


And they said,
“Daddy, Daddy, what will we see there?
There’s so much that we don’t understand,”
So I told them of Moses, and Father Abraham,
And I said dear children “Watch the lamb….”


There will be so many in Jerusalem today.
We must be sure the lamb doesn’t run away,”
And I told them of Moses and Father Abraham.
And I said “Dear children, watch the lamb….”


When we reached the city I knew something must be wrong.
There were no joyful worshippers, no joyful worship songs,
And I stood there with my children in the midst of angry men,
Then I heard a crowd cry out, “Let’s crucify Him!”


We tried to leave the city but we could not get away.
Forced to play in this drama, a part I did not want to play.
Why upon this day were men condemned to die?
Why were we standing right here where soon they would pass by?


I looked and I said, “Even now they come.”
The first one cried for mercy, the people gave him none.
The second one was violent, he was arrogant and loud.
I can still hear his angry voice screaming at the crowd.


Then someone said, “There’s Jesus.” I scarce believed my eyes.
A man so badly beaten, he barely looked alive.
Blood poured from His body, from the thorns on His brow.
Running down the cross and falling to the ground.


I watched as He struggled and I watched Him when He fell.
The cross came down upon His back and the crowd began to yell.
In that moment I felt such agony, in that moment I felt such loss.
Till the roman soldier grabbed my arm and screamed;
“YOU! Carry his cross!”


At first I tried to resist him, but his hand reached for his sword.
So I knelt and I took the cross from the Lord.
I placed it on my shoulders we started down the street.
And the blood that He’d been shedding was running down my cheek…


They led us to Golgotha, they drove nails.
Deep in His feet and hands yet upon the cross.
I heard him pray, “Father, forgive them…”


Never have I seen such love in any other eyes.
“Into thy hands I commit my spirit,” He prayed.
And then He died.


I stood for what seemed like years. I lost all sense of time.
Then I felt these little hands holding to mine.
My children stood there weeping and I heard the oldest say.
“Father please forgive us, the lamb ran away…”


“Daddy, Daddy, what’ve we seen here?
There’s so much that we don’t understand.”
So I took them in my arms we turned and faced the cross.
And I said, “Dear children, watch the Lamb…”[i]


Click here to listen to Ray Boltz sing this gripping song of Jesus’ walk to Golgotha. It is very powerful!


There is so much more to share about the Lamb of God, but the important thing to remember is that Jesus went to the cross to carry the sins of world to the altar. He willingly gave His life so that we might be forgiven. I pray that you know Jesus’ forgiveness. If not, please let me know. I’d be happy to share the Gospel message with you.


As you go through this week leading up to Easter, don’t forget the Lamb. Watch the Lamb. Keep Him in your eyesight. For only through Him will you find abundant life.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “Watch the Lamb,” Words and Music by Ray Boltz, Shepherd Boy Music, 1986.

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