You’ve probably been wondering what happened to me these past two weeks. Well, they’ve been super, uber busy! And I know I could add a few more adjectives to this word “busy,” but I think you get the picture. I’ve had to compartmentalize my life. I’ve had to do what I needed to […]
Posts Tagged ‘Proverbs 18:10’
Snow in the Mountains
August 20th, 2016 dsisler
Blimp – Blogging from A to Z (Sabbatical Post)
December 12th, 2015 dsisler
Blimps fascinate me. They have for quite some time now. Their quiet approach. Their smooth sail. The fact that they are very large and yet have the ability to float through the air. They are a fun mode of transportation and through the cameras fixed upon them, they bring a bird’s-eye- view to many […]