A Snowy Morning


Good snowy morning from Colorado! We don’t have a lot of snow where we live, but apparently some areas of my state was hit pretty hard. This morning a lot of churches cancelled services. But not Rocky!


unnamedRocky partners will be gathering this morning for fellowship with one another as well as hearing a message from God’s Word (Acts 4). We will reflect on our lives as we partake of the Lord’s Supper and spend time in prayer (Acts 2:42). And I know that we have two baptisms scheduled to take place this morning. It is going to be great Lord’s Day.


Now I also know that there will be people who are unable to get out in this weather. I have family and friends all around the country who have to make this same decision today. The main thing is safety. You will be missed, but please make your own decision about getting out and traveling.


Whether you will be worshiping in a church building or in your living room today, as believers we are “one in heart and mind.” (Acts 4:32) A little snow cannot keep us apart as we are united in God’s Spirit.


Today’s repeat blog post is about keeping our eyes where they should be. Also good advice on this snowy day. Enjoy!


Where Are Your Eyes?


This week my daughter had a mishap with her vehicle. She took her eyes off the road for just a few moments and she veered to the right. Her tires hit the loose gravel; she started to skid and then over corrected. When her car came to a stop, she was in a marshy area very close to a small lake. She was pretty scared.


Fortunately, there was no real damage to the car or to herself. One tire needed to be fixed, but the worst part was how muddy her car was. The entire white car was covered with splashes of mud. Front to back. Side to side. Even on top.


Peter also had an experience where he was distracted and ultimately found that he was lacking faith. Jesus sent the disciples out onto the lake ahead while He spent time in prayer. In the middle of the night, Jesus met them somewhere on the Sea of Galilee.


Frightened, they cried out. Jesus told them not to be afraid because He was coming to them. Peter wasn’t so sure and asked for proof. Jesus simply said, “Come.”


Peter stepped out of the boat and began the journey toward Jesus. However, the waves frightened Peter. Peter took his eyes off of Jesus. Just for a moment. Suddenly, Peter began to sink and he cried out for the Master to save him.


Another lesson in faithlessness was taught to Peter that night. Jesus reached out to Peter and together they climbed into the boat. The wind died down and the group believed Jesus to be the Son of God. (Matthew 14:22-33)


Oh, how I feel that faithlessness at times. I know I should believe. I know I shouldn’t doubt. But I do. And Jesus says the same thing to me that He said to Peter. “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”


I too, take my eyes off of Jesus and need to be rescued by the Savior. I reach out my hand and repent for my lack of faith.


Good thing for me, Jesus doesn’t tire of pulling me out of the water.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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