Hugs from Heaven

I forgot I had this little book on my shelf. It’s one that I’ve had for several years, but have never taken the time to read through it. It’s a small book and only 111 pages long. You might equate it to a devotional book.


DSC03873mThe title is what caught my attention years ago, “Hugs from Heaven: The Christmas Story.”[i] The author takes a few passages of Scripture and turns them into a real story. The story of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus (Matthew 1:18-25 ; Luke 1:26-38). She brings them to life and through the combination of Scripture and quotes is able to create an excitement about the first Christmas.


I also find great beauty in this little book. The pages are filled with beautiful artwork that draws the eye toward gold holly leaves and spirals and swirls and calligraphy. Each page offers more of the story and a visual surprise.


And yet, there is more. Before each chapter, G. A. Myers shares a little devotional thought to prepare the reader for the next phase in the life of Mary and Joseph. One in particular caught my attention.


We celebrate Christmas near the end of the year. A mere six days before the start of the New Year. Perhaps the year has brought disappointments. Disturbances. Emotional stress. Financial difficulties. Unemployment. And this list could go on.


With the season of hope that Christmas creates and the possibilities of what the New Year could bring, we can put aside the worries and cares of the past year. We can move forward with renewed hope because of what Christmas represents.


We too, like Mary and Joseph, can offer ourselves to God to use in the New Year. We can say, “I trust You, God, because You are faithful.” We can believe God’s Words, “Do not fear; God is here.”


I cannot even imagine how Mary and Joseph must have felt during these days leading up to the birth of the Messiah, but to see their great trust in God is so impressive. They took God’s Words to heart and made it their lifestyle. And they were given a treasured responsibility. To raise God’s Son as their own.


When we place our trust in God as Mary and Joseph did, God will use us in remarkable ways. Whether they are big or small, God will use a willing heart to do remarkable things for His Kingdom.


My question to you today is “Do you trust Him?” If so, let’s hold on to the hope we receive through this Christmas season and carry it over into the New Year. God is just waiting to share some news with you.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “Hugs from Heaven: The Christmas Story,” G.A. Myers with personalized Scripture by LeAnn Weiss, Howard Publishing Co., West Monroe, LA, 1999, pg. 18-19.

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