By the Sea

It’s so interesting to me how God’s Word speaks to people in different ways. How a passage of Scripture seems to be directed at one specific person and then in another verse it speaks to a different person. Sometimes the passage seems relevant to my life while other times I pass over it without much notice.


I mention this because I will be leading a new group of ladies in January through a Bible study on the parables of Jesus. I know there is plenty in these great teachings of Jesus for me to learn and appreciate, but I didn’t know I wouldn’t get past the first verse of the study before being stopped to think, reflect and speculate.


Daytona Beach 021m“That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake.” (Matthew 13:1 – NIV) Now this isn’t the version my Bible study author has chosen to use. In the New American Standard Bible it says, “That day Jesus went out of the house was sitting by the sea.” And if you will permit me to share just one more perspective, The Message says it this way. “At about that same time Jesus left the house and sat on the beach.”


Jesus’ day had been a long one. It was the Sabbath…God’s specified day of rest for Israel. Jesus and His disciples were hungry and picked the heads of grain and ate them. The Pharisees saw this and made a pretty big stink about it. Jesus spent some time teaching…but His day was just beginning.


Jesus went in to the synagogue and healed a man’s hand. The Pharisees were looking for a way to accuse Jesus and asked if it were lawful to heal on the Sabbath. Again, Jesus shared thoughts and teaching on the subject…but it only caused the Pharisees to determine to kill Jesus.


Knowing what the Pharisees were plotting, Jesus withdrew from the synagogue, but the crowd followed Him. He healed all of the sick and told them not to tell who had healed them…but this was to fulfill prophecy (Isaiah 42:1-4).


But Jesus’ healing wasn’t finished for the day. A demon-possessed man who was blind and mute was brought to Jesus and he was healed. The Pharisees accused Jesus of being a follower of the prince of demons…but through their accusation, Jesus was able to teach yet again.


And if this group of Pharisees weren’t enough to deal with, Jesus’ mother and brothers joined in. They wanted to “talk” to Jesus. From Mark 3:21 (the parallel passage of Matthew 12), we know that his family thought Jesus was “out of his mind.” According to them, Jesus had lost all control of His mental capacities…but their concern for Jesus was unfounded and He announced who His family was. Those who believed in Jesus and His message.


So after this day, it isn’t any wonder that Jesus needed a respite. He sat alone on the beach by the sea. I can imagine Jesus drawn in by the thrill of His creation. Hearing the sound of the waves upon the shore. Allowing the sand to run through His fingers and toes. Feeling the cool breeze blow across His face. Drawing in the aroma of the sea with each breath. Enjoyment of the sound of the birds and other wildlife.


I would also venture to guess that Jesus spoke a few words with His Father as well. It had been a difficult day. His enemies were out in full force. His earthly family even seemed to join in. Yes, a few words of encouragement from God were probably needed at this moment. And I must believe that Jesus received exactly what He needed from God at that time.


Jesus enjoyed just a few moments of peace and quiet in His Father’s world.


There are days when I feel a little like Jesus. Oh I may not have enemies and family members turning against me, but there are days when I feel alone. When I feel like people only want something from me and not willing to give back. When my words don’t seem to make any difference. Yes, there are days I feel a little like Jesus.


It’s on these days that I must sit by the sea. Of course, I don’t live anywhere near the sea, so I can’t literally be there. But I certainly can be in that place when I’m in God’s presence. I can choose to take a few moments of peace and quiet in my Father’s world. That’s when I am revitalized. When my spirit finds restoration. When I regain strength to move along. When God whispers, “there is more to be done.”


Perhaps Jesus heard these words as well, for it wasn’t long before the crowds found Him. His teaching would continue. In a boat and in the house. To the crowds and His disciples. It was only then that He moved on from there.


The lessons we can learn from Jesus here is that we too must find it within ourselves to do God’s work where we are. It may be in our homes or at work. It may be with our children or grandchildren. It may be with our neighbors or a homeless person. Wherever it is, we are to do God’s work until it’s time for us to move on.


And when we need a spiritual boost, spend a few moments in God’s presence to gain all we need to keep going.


I found great comfort in this passage of Scripture and great joy that my Savior enjoyed the sea as much as I do. I long to be there and I know I will never sit by sea again without remembering Jesus’ precious moments by the seashore.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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