I’m being reminded of my college days a lot these days. A professor recently died. A movie about the life of a classmate is making its way around the States. Biblical truths have been floating to the surface of my memory due to current Bible studies. And of course, music of the day always sparks remembrances of those days.
I was a music major at Cincinnati Bible College (now known as Cincinnati Christian University) and New York Christian Institute. I was blessed to be led by the brilliant minds of my professors to a higher level of understanding. I am thankful for each one of them.
One of my greatest blessings was during my time at New York Christian Institute when I traveled with the ensemble. The five (sometimes six) of us would travel around the Northeast, sing for Jesus, and share the mission of NYCI. Each member of this team holds a special place in my heart.
On one occasion, we headed to Hershey, Pennsylvania for the Christian convention of northeast churches. The theme for the week was “More than Conquerors.” You guessed it, our ensemble learned the song I share with you today…however, so did every other group.
By the time we sang our version of “We’ve Been Made More Than Conquerors,” it was pretty used up. But we had other melodies up our sleeves, so we moved along and sang our best.
What a pity that the repetitious message of this song didn’t make an impact that day. For if nothing else, we as Christians should hold this banner high every moment of every day. “I am a conqueror. Nay, more than conquerors! And it’s not my own doing…it’s Jesus!”
The evil one wants us to believe that we are defeated. That we can’t go on any longer. That we have nothing left to share. But that is his message.
Jesus’ message is that we are overcomers. And with Jesus by our side, we can conquer anything.
The message of Romans 8:37 (NIV) is heard through this song. “No, in all these things (trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword) we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”
I pray you also know this passage. “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4 – NIV)
So today as you read through the lyrics of this song and listen to its melody that you will hold fast and tight to the message. You are an overcomer. You are more than a conqueror. Jesus’ blood has made it so.
“We’ve Been Made More than Conquerors”
We’ve been made more than conquerors
Overcomers in this life
We’ve been made victorious
Through the blood of Jesus Christ!
When troubles come knockin’ at your door
Don’t be afraid, you know it’s not like before
Don’t you give in, don’t let it bring you down
Cause you don’t have to worry anymore!
Repeat Chorus
Hold on, we’re getting stronger everyday
There’s no reason for you to go astray
Don’t go leaning to your understanding
Cause you don’t have to worry anyway![i]
Click here to listen to a version of this song.
Let’s live as conquerors today!
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,
[i] “We’ve been Made More Than Conquerors,” Words and Music by Bill and Janny Grein, 1978, Birdwing Music.