

I woke up this morning and had my quiet time and read through some devotional material. I then sat down to my computer to begin writing.


???????????????????????????????????????Lately my Lenovo has been shooting a “fan failure” error across the screen, so Mason has ordered the parts to replace the fans. Each day I’ve been turning off my computer for this reason. When it powers up, the option of pressing F1 or F2 appears.


As usual, I hit the F2 key. Nothing. I hit it again. Again nothing. I changed the batteries in my wireless keyboard. Twice. Nothing. I pulled out an older keyboard with wires. Nope. My computer just wouldn’t move forward.


I had no other choice but to call upon Mason. After 10 minutes of attempting the easy stuff and another 20 minutes searching the internet, Mason announced that he would wait until the fans arrived and see if that would fix the problem.


Looks like my trusty Toshiba laptop will be my workmate until the fans arrive later this week.


There are a few uh-oh moments that I recall in Scripture.


What about the feeding of the 5,000? No one had thought to bring food (except one young lad), but Jesus was able to create a feast out of his five loaves and two fish.


Then there was the time Jesus and His disciples sailed across the Sea of Galilee. It was calm when they left, but things turned horribly wrong. The storm was so overpowering, that the disciples were afraid they would die. Again, Jesus rescued them with the words, “Peace. Be still.”


Perhaps the biggest uh-oh moment may have been Peter’s denial of Jesus. Jesus predicted it and Peter truly believed he would never do such a thing. But then, hours later, Peter could be found weeping bitterly for his denial. But yet again, Jesus restored Peter. Peter’s life was changed forever.


The lessons we learn in uh-oh moments are priceless…especially when they are spiritual lessons learned.


Perhaps you’ve made your fair share of blunders. The good news I have to share with you today is that Jesus can take those uh-oh moments and use them for His Kingdom. Jesus is the Master of restoration, rescue and refueling. Don’t let another uh-oh moment go by without asking Jesus to come to your rescue.


Time will tell if my computer will be restored. But until then, I know that I have a dependable laptop to fill all of my needs. Just like Jesus does with my life.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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