Happy Resurrection Sunday!


What a glorious day! I am so excited to head off to church soon. Spending time with others who love Jesus and want to celebrate His resurrection is at the top of my list. Worshiping with this same group of people is always enjoyable. And to top it all off, there are lots (I don’t even know the number) of baptisms scheduled during our services today. It will be pretty glorious!


I pray that you are excited to worship today. How blessed we are that Jesus defeated death!


Today’s repeat blog post is an old favorite. Enjoy!




“Then Came the Morning” – Monday Musical Musings


It’s hard to believe that I have not shared this song with you. This has been one of my favorite songs for a very long time…let’s see, it was written in 1982 and recorded in 1983 by the Gaither Trio. Yes, I have probably loved this song from the moment I heard it.


Perhaps this was the way the disciples felt after Jesus died. They saw it happen. They were in shock. They wondered why it ended this way. They had devoted their lives to Jesus and now, He was gone.


Oh and how Mary must have wondered what God was up to. She knew Jesus was the Son of God. She knew He was the Anointed One. How could the Messiah lead Israel into victory from a tomb?


I can’t imagine all the emotions they felt, but I suspect their grief was unbearable. I suspect their hopes and dreams had faded. I suspect they chastised themselves for believing in this man.


Just as Jesus brings great hope and joy to our own lives, Sunday morning came with renewed hope, new dreams and greater faith in the Christ. Oh how beautiful that morning must have been. Tears turned to laughter. Mourning to dancing. Weariness to strength.


Perhaps your hopes and dreams have been squashed. Maybe you’re under the burden of grief. Or maybe you just can’t seem to find it in yourself to continue on this faith journey. Whatever it is you are going through, Jesus is the One who can lead you to a better place. He will comfort. He will give strength. He will calm your fears. He will be with you. And gloriously, the morning will come.


I pray that as you read through these lyrics and listen to this melody that you will be touched by the hand of Jesus. I pray that your eyes would be opened to the miracle of that Sunday morning. I pray that morning has dawned for you.


“Then Came the Morning”


They all walked away, with nothing to say,
They’d just lost their dearest friend.
All that He said, now He was dead,
So this was the way it would end.
The dreams they had dreamed were not what they’d seemed,
Now that He was dead and gone.
The garden, the jail, the hammer, the nail,
How could a night be so long.



Then came the morning, night turned into day;
The stone was rolled away, hope rose with the dawn.
Then came the morning, shadows vanished before the sun,
Death had lost and life had won, for morning had come.


The angel, the star, the kings from afar,
The wedding, the water, the wine.
Now it was done, they’d taken her son,
Wasted before his time.
She knew it was true, she’d watched him die too,
She’d heard them call Him just a man,
But deep in her heart, she knew from the start,
Somehow her Son would live again.



Then came the morning, night turned into day;
The stone was rolled away, hope rose with the dawn.
Then came the morning, shadows vanished before the sun,
Death had lost and life had won, for morning had come.[i]


Click here and you’ll hear Ernie Haase & Signature Sound’s version of “Then Came the Morning.” Beautiful!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “Then Came the Morning,” Words by Gloria Gaither, Music by William J. Gaither and Chris Christian, Gaither Music Company and Word Music, LLC, 1982.

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