“Jesus, My Victory” – Musical Musings in March


I have often wondered what the disciples of Jesus must have felt on this day in history. Jesus had died on the cross the day before and here they were left to wonder what had really happened. There were probably feelings of guilt, hopelessness, frustration, grief and loneliness just to name a few. I suspect there may have been some accusations as well.


wheel barrelThis was a dark day for these early disciples of Christ.


If we are honest with ourselves, we will admit that we can find ourselves in this position. You might refer to these times as the “valley.” You too might feel some of the emotions listed above, but you might also experience bitterness, confusion, powerlessness, depression, regret or anger. And there are plenty more emotions you can use to fill this space.


The disciples only had to live with these emotions for one day. Sunday came and Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to His loved ones. But what about you and I? How can we get out of the valleys of our lives to live victoriously with Jesus on the mountain?


Like the disciples, we need to hole up with Jesus. We need to spend time with Him and allow His Spirit to do His work in our lives. This is a process and it does take time, but it is possible.


One of my favorite books is “Follow Me” by Randy Sprinkle. Here are some words from this wise man. “Victory begins at the start of the day with a closed door, an open Bible, and a disciplined, responsive heart ready to turn loose anything that hinders our walk and work with God for the sake of His kingdom that day.”[i]


Victory is possible and it will come as we turn our hearts and minds over to the One who is able to defeat death. There is victory in Jesus. What do you need to turn loose to Him today?


I could have reused the “Victory in Jesus” hymn, but I found “Jesus, My Victory” to share instead. I pray you will enjoy it…and remember victory begins and ends with Jesus.


“Jesus, My Victory”[ii]


Jesus we come to Your table

We take Your body and blood

This is Your invitation

A reminder of love

Jesus we come to remember

The life You gave for us

Every sin is defeated

By Your death on the cross



Jesus Christ, You satisfy

Our Living Stream

The Bread of Life

Jesus Christ, more than I need


The Lamb of God

My Victory


King of Kings You laid Your body down

Oh what love that lets the lost be found

Oh what sacrifice given for my gain

All who die in You will rise again

King of Kings forsaken for my sin

Lamb of God and yet the Lion wins

Lifted high for all the world to see
My Victory


Click here to listen to this song.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “Follow Me” Randy Sprinkle, pg. 38-39

[ii] “Jesus, My Victory,” words and music by Brenton Brown, Travis Ryan and Brandon Collins, Thank You Music, Integrity Worship Music, Travis Ryan Music, Celiacrobat Music, 2012

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