There are many verses in the Bible that I read and wonder, “Have I read that before?” Or “Where has this verse been?” It’s true. I am so amazed sometimes.
Part of the reason is that I believe as I read Scripture, I’m in a different place or season and a verse or passage speaks to me more clearly or has great meaning for my life. Other passages or verses are “new” to me because I haven’t studied specific books of the Bible.
I’ll be honest. I’ve steered clear of those that are more difficult. The letters written to the Corinthians believers and the Roman followers are books that I’ve dabbled in. I’ve not taken the time to really delve into their words or deeper meaning for my life. It’s never too late to dig into specific passages or books of the Bible.
In 1 Corinthians 14, there is an entire passage on the gifts of tongues and prophecy. Here’s another reason I’ve steered clear of this book in particular. The tongues and prophecy thing. My thoughts and beliefs (through Scripture and teaching) have not taken me down this path before, so I’ve not studied some of the Scripture in Corinthians because I thought they were irrelevant.
Now I’ll admit, I’ve read these verses in the past, just not recently and definitely not with my spiritually mature eyes and heart.
I’m being pretty open and honest about my thoughts on tongues and prophecy here. Study and seeking God’s will in my life may change my thoughts, but it might not. Because there’s a verse in 1 Corinthians 14 that caught my attention.
“But in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue.” (1 Corinthians 14:19 – NIV)
For now, this is where I am going to land. I know what I can understand today. I know what I can share today. There are plenty of verses in the Bible that I can understand and those are the words that I choose to share today.
What five intelligible words will I use today to instruct others? Here are a few examples:
- Jesus loves you! Love Him!
- Forgiveness is found in Jesus!
- God’s grace is sufficient! Amen!
- Love the Lord! Love others!
- God’s riches at Jesus’ expense! (GRACE)
What five intelligible words will you use today to instruct others?
I am so thankful that I still have a great desire to study God’s Word to find new truths for my life. I pray that you are eager to do the same. Growing in a deeper relationship with the Lord and pointing others to Jesus is my mission. I pray it is yours as well.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,