It’s Thursday and I remembered to write about poetry! I pray that you will find some joy in today’s poem.
The title of this poem caught my attention and as I read through it. I loved the many ways we can see Jesus throughout Scripture. As you come to see Jesus, He begins to show up in your own life and then others see Him through you. What an encouraging word today. Many blessings to you, my friends.
“Come and See Jesus”
by Kim Merryman, ©2008 Guidepost submission
Come and see the tiny baby,
sleeping on a bed of straw.
The angels came and sang His praises,
and shepherds watched in silent awe.
Come and see who’s in the temple,
listening to the rabbis teach;
a twelve-year-old who asks them questions,
His wisdom is beyond their reach.
“Come and see,” said John the Baptist,
“The Lamb of God sent from above.
On Him the Father sent His Spirit,
it came down on Him like a dove.”
“Come and see,” insisted Andrew,
when he found Simon by the sea.
“I believe we’ve found Messiah.
Drop your nets and come with me.”
“Come and see”, cried out the woman,
“The man who told me all I’d done.
He said He’d give me living water.
Could He be the Holy One?”
Come and see this man called Jesus.
He heals the sick, the blind, the lame.
Even demons are subject to Him.
Those He touches are never the same.
Come and see this Jewish Rabbi,
as He teaches on the hill.
The crowds are spellbound by His message,
He teaches them about God’s will.
Come and see the righteous anger,
of the man from Galilee.
See Him cleanse the crowded temple,
of the merchants and their greed.
Come and see the Lord at prayer,
in the garden on His knees.
Sweating drops of blood in anguish,
God’s will be done is what He pleads.
Come and see the man betrayed,
by His own disciple’s kiss.
Sold for thirty silver coins,
by a traitor in His midst.
Come and see the suffering servant,
hands and feet nailed to the cross.
Hear Him say, “Father, forgive them,”
as His friends weep for their loss.
Come and see, His tomb is empty.
See, the stone has been rolled away.
The Son of God has conquered death,
He has risen from the grave.
Come and see the risen Savior,
See and touch His nail-pierced hands.
Hear Him say, “Go preach the gospel,
to every nation, every land.”
Come and see, men, women, children,
Jesus is the Life, the Truth, the Way,
to peace and joy and life everlasting.
Believe in Him without delay.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,