Home Movies

My husband received 22 rolls of home movies that chronicled his growing up years. He wanted to create a memorable collection of these films into one piece, so two years ago, he had the films digitized and placed into an end product that could be edited and manipulated into something that would be of value to his family.


After 18 months of working on this project, it is finally complete. Titles, music, and an hour and a half of enjoyable video are now available for his family’s viewing pleasure.


Mason and I watched his production last night. He had been watching this movie in bits and pieces throughout the past 18 months, but not from beginning to end. I too, had seen parts of it, but not in its’ entirety. So it was complete joy to sit and watch my husband and his family through his childhood.


My family didn’t have a movie camera as I grew up. My parents used a still camera and we have a plethora of slides from my youth. I’m certain if I were to take on a project like my husband did, it would take me just as long or longer to produce something as he did.


What impressed me most about the movies (besides the brilliant work my husband did) were the memories captured in those moments. Family gatherings. Christmases past. Holidays celebrated. They were all encapsulated and captured on this short video. Memories which are priceless to him and his family.


I wonder as we look at our spiritual journey what memories we might remember. Our early years of Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. It was during these years that we were learning the basics of Christianity. Those little lessons of how Jesus loved us and how we are to treat others.


Then might come the moment in time when we realize the difference between right and wrong. That moment we commit our lives to Jesus and accept Him as our Savior. This memory would include our baptism. For certain this was a memorable day!


And that’s when the journey really began. Each memorable day would either bring a smile or a frown to our face, depending on our actions. Would they be in line with God’s teachings or would we fall into the temptation of sin?


Perhaps there might be a tear or two because of willful disobedience. There probably are tears of joy as well.


Either way, we would recognize God’s love for us. We knew that His grace would cover the sinful desires we encountered through the years. And we could smile because of the faithful journey we’ve been on.


Of course there are probably heart-wrenching memories too. Perhaps moments when our prayers were answered differently than we would have liked. Moments when our tears would have filled the ocean in our desire for the request to be answered another way. But through these teachable moments, we realized that God’s grace was sufficient. He was enough.


Oh, there are plenty of memories. Service. Encounters. Bible study. Prayer. Teaching. Evangelizing. And the list could go on and on.


Or maybe the memories of your spiritual journey are nothing like this. Your memories may begin as an adult or more recent and they are just beginning. Each person’s journey is unique. The memories will be specific to each one, but they are still memories all the same.


And in the end, at the end of our story, all the memories will be distant and vague. All that will matter is what our Lord says to us on the day we enter into His Kingdom.


“Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:23 – NIV)


Happy memories!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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