“All The Way My Savior Leads Me” – Monday Musical Musings


I have been on some wonderful journeys. There has been the journey of motherhood. Oh how blessed I am by these children who call me “Mom” and grandchildren who call me “Baba.” I wouldn’t have missed this journey for anything!


IMAG1492My journey to Colorado has been pretty amazing. My journey to SE Asia was more than I could have imagined. My journey with friends and family have also brought great joy to my life.


And then there is my spiritual journey. It’s been one filled with spiritual highs and lows. But through every step of this journey, Jesus has been right by my side. He has been encouraging me. He has been correcting me. He has been blessing me.


There’s one more journey Jesus has been with me as I’ve trekked. It’s my “work” journey. Doors have opened or closed depending upon what Jesus knew I needed at each point in my life. It has been amazing.


Well, He’s done it again. I believe it’s pretty special that I work for Rocky Mountain Christian Church. Even more special that my job has been focused on assisting the lead pastor of this church. But another door opened and I walked through that door.


Starting next Monday, I will begin the next phase of my journey. I will be ministering to the women of Rocky at the Niwot campus. I will continue to care for and help Shan, but I will also be able to use the skills and passion God has given to join women on their spiritual journey as well.


If you know me at all, you know I already do this. I spend many hours a week studying God’s Word to share with women. I spend time throughout my day thinking and praying for specific women who are on my heart. I love being with women and helping them see what God has in store for their lives. So really, not much will change.


The song I decided upon today is an older hymn that has been updated. “All the Way My Savior Leads Me” reminds us that Jesus has been with us through all the journeys of this life. When we stop to recognize His presence, we are able to take the next step of the journey with confidence.


I pray that you are able to take the next step in your journey with the confidence that Jesus is by your side. Jesus is leading, cheering, giving and feeding all along the way. Don’t miss this part of the journey. It is crucial!


So have a listen. Enjoy the tune. Embrace the meaning. Feel Jesus’ presence. But above all, allow Jesus to lead and guide you on this journey we call life.


“All the Way My Savior Leads Me”


All the way my Savior leads me
Who have I to ask beside
How could I doubt His tender mercy
Who through life has been my guide


All the way my Savior leads me
Cheers each winding path I tread
Gives me grace for every trial
Feeds me with the living Bread


You lead me and keep me from falling
You carry me close to Your heart
And surely Your goodness and mercy will follow me


All the way my Savior leads me
O, the fullness of His love
O, the sureness of His promise
In the triumph of His blood


And when my spirit clothed immortal
Wings its flight to realms of day
This my song through endless ages
Jesus led me all the way
Jesus led me all the way


All the way my Savior leads me
All the way my Savior leads me[i]


Chris Tomlin will sing this beautiful song for you by clicking here.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “All the Way My Savior Leads Me,” Traditional Hymn, Arrangement and Additional Lyrics by Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman, Worshiptogether.com Songs, Sixsteps Music, 2008.

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