Spiritual Growth and Acts 2

I have read through Acts 2:42-47 dozens of times through my lifetime. It’s one of those great passages that give us insight into the early Church. We read in this passage what they did. We find examples of what we should be doing. We see a wonderful picture of the Church as Christ instructed.


IMAG1501What I have never done however, is look at this passage as a way to gauge spiritual growth. The points listed in this section of Scripture show us how the early Church grew spiritually. I believe we can use these same points to determine if we are growing as well. Let’s take a look at these verses.


In verse 42, we see the early believers devoted themselves to four things. When we devote ourselves to these same four things, we will see spiritual growth in our lives.


Apostles Teaching

The early Church didn’t have a New Testament, so they had to depend upon what the apostles taught. And what did they teach? Jesus’ words. His teachings. All that we find in our New Testament.


So when we devote ourselves to God’s Word and learning what God has to say to me each day, spiritual growth will occur.



I am truly blessed to be able to go to work each day and connect with fellow believers of Christ. I know how important that is. Community was important in New Testament days and it is just as important today.


When I am committed to being with my fellow believers in corporate worship, spiritual growth happens.


Breaking of Bread

As part of our worship service, the Lord’s Supper is observed. When I accept the cup of Christ each week, I am making a commitment to Him. I accept Him in my life over and over.


Coming to terms with my sin each week is another step to spiritual growth.



Communion with God through prayer is yet another way we can commit to God and an area where we can see spiritual development. The early Church was devoted to this spiritual discipline and we should be just as committed.


When I am in communion with God through prayer on a regular basis, I see spiritual growth within my own life.


After this verse, we see other ways the early Church grew spiritually. Take a look at the rest of the verses.


“Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:43-47 – NIV)



Regardless of who had what, everyone was taken care of. When I give regularly to my local church, I see spiritual growth in my life. When I see needs of others and share what I have with those less fortunate, I see even greater spiritual growth.


Spiritual eyes help me to see needs. Spiritual eyes come through spiritual growth.



Our early Church friends praised God with sincere and glad hearts. That is proof of spiritual growth.


My worship to God isn’t just the singing I do on Sunday morning. Worship happens every day, throughout the day. Worship is my life. Spiritual growth can be seen as I offer my life to God as worship.



The early Church shared their stories with others and the church exploded. New believers were added daily to their number.


When I share my story with those who haven’t heard about Jesus, God will do some pretty remarkable things. He will provide the boldness and confidence on my part which is also part of my spiritual growth journey, but God will also work on the seed that has been planted in the heart of the hearer. Spiritual growth will begin in a new soul and the process will begin anew within them.


I don’t know if these were words you needed to hear today, but for me, these are vital. I see the correlation between spiritual growth and the Church. I see how my own spiritual growth can be important to the growth of God’s Church. I understand how God has combined all of the elements into the journey. And it makes me smile.


Maybe your spiritual journey has slowed to a near stop. If so, there’s no better time than today to jump in and follow the example of the early Church.


If you haven’t even thought of starting this journey, I would encourage you to reread these verses. See how spiritual growth can lead to a life of faith and a community of believers. But most of all, please understand that spiritual growth will draw you closer to God. And that’s right where He wants you to be.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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