If you are a baseball fan, you know the Major League Baseball All-Star game was played last night. You might also know a few details about the importance of this game. When the players break for the All-Star game, the baseball season is officially half over. The All-Star game also determines the home-field advantage for the World Series each year.
Whether you’re an American League or National League fan, the All-Star game brings together all the great players of the year onto one field, at the same time. It is usually an exciting game to watch.
I love the idea of selecting all-stars. Maybe it’s the people who have made an impact upon my life. Some of these all-stars might include grandparents, parents, spiritual mentors, or close friends. When I think of these folks who have come along side me on this journey, I’m thankful for each of them. For their words of encouragement, as well as for their honesty when my life didn’t line up with God’s vision. These are the people of whom I can say, “I thank my God every time I remember you.” (Philippians 1:3 – NIV) I pray that you have some of these all-stars in your life as well.
It would be difficult to name all of the all-stars of the Bible, but perhaps I can share a few of my favorite all-stars.
Joshua – there is so much about Joshua than meets the eye. My Mom usually is sure to mention that when Joshua is spoken of in Scripture his heritage is mentioned as well. Joshua son of Nun is repeated over and over. While not every family has a great tree, for those of us who do, let’s not take our God-believing heritage for granted. I am blessed to have generations of faithful believers to remember as I sit and read Scripture or write a piece about my faith. I thank God for their faithfulness.
Rahab – living in a pagan world among pagan people, Rahab heard stories about God. Maybe it was like a fairytale of old, but something inside of Rahab believed in the Hebrew God and she turned against her own people and city to come face-to-face with those who followed God. In the end, her belief saved her and her family. It also got her into the best family lineage ever!
Tabitha – this godly woman was always doing good and helping the poor. She was the woman in town who was always ready to lend a hand to help others in need. Then one day, she got sick and died. Those whose lives had been affected by Tabitha were moved to ask for assistance. Peter arrived at their beckoning and raised her from the dead. I’ve often wondered if Tabitha wasn’t a little ticked off, but perhaps her servant heart flowed with grace in this situation. Either way, Tabitha makes my all-star list for her willingness to help those in need.
If you’re like me, you have your own list of all-stars. Who are they? Why have they made your list? What lessons can you learn from your all-stars?
The sweetest news today is that we are all all-stars in Jesus’ book and He will always be there cheering us on. He urges us to be better at what we do and He encourages us to get into the game. Are you ready to step up to the plate?
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,