It’s Gonna Be a Great Day!

I finally got around to painting my downstairs bathroom. The paint has been sitting in that little room for nearly two months. Enough was enough. I needed to get this little room done!


bathroomAfter Mason left for work, I started taping and painting. A few hours later, it was finished. I felt like I had accomplished a great deal. I didn’t have that one thing nagging at me. It was a great day…maybe I could say it was a fantastic day! It was just an ordinary day that somehow, someway was turned into a fantastic day.


I wonder if that isn’t how it was for some of the folks who encountered Jesus. Ordinary people doing ordinary things and suddenly everything changed because Jesus walked by.


bathroom 2Maybe it’s exactly how the Samaritan woman at the well felt when she met Jesus on her daily trip to gather water.


She was going about her day-to-day tasks. Dusting. Cleaning. Preparing meals. And then she went to the well for her daily amount of life-sustaining water. She had no idea that this particular day would change her life.


But the One she met at the well offered her living water. Eternal life-giving water that would never leave her thirsty again. And this woman, this sinful outcast woman, accepted what Jesus had to offer.


She didn’t keep it to herself however; she went to her town and brought others to hear of Jesus’ offering. Many believed that Jesus was the Messiah that day. Their words in John 4:42 (NIV) help us to understand their belief. “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”


The people from this Samaritan village found love, joy, grace, and forgiveness at the well that day. They met the Savior of the world. Their personal Savior.


Each of us has the opportunity to meet the Savior of the world. We have a choice upon meeting Him. I made my choice to accept Jesus as my Savior years ago. Have you?


If you have made that commitment, let’s be intentional about making our days fantastic and productive for God’s Kingdom.


If you haven’t accepted Jesus as your Savior, why not make today the best, most fantastic day you’ve ever known?


I’m sure as the Samaritan woman was finishing her tasks for the day, she also said, “This was a great day!”


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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