I’m in the process of yet another transformation in my office at home. I’ve had a beach mural on the wall for about seven years. I’ve decided it’s time for it to come down. However, parts of it will still be visible through windows and a screen door.
I mentioned this idea to my granddaughter who has considered this room “her room” since she was born. At first, she wasn’t too keen about it, but then she said, “Okay, but please don’t keep the dead leaf.”
I hadn’t noticed a dead leaf, so I asked her about it. She pointed out the single dead leaf on the wall. It’s pretty noticeable, but with all the other things to look at on this wall, that single dead leaf was not in my sight.
Maybe you’ve experienced something similar to this in your spiritual life. You believe everything is okay and that your life is in line with God’s Word. Then, the Holy Spirit points out a flaw. You are convicted of a sin that you were unaware of and suddenly, it’s so big that there’s only one thing to do. Rid your life of that sin.
Galatians 5:16-26 shows us a life guided by sinful nature and a life guided by the Spirit. We find in these ten verses a multitude of sinful nature characteristics that we are to eliminate from our lives. Things such as rage, sexual immorality, idolatry, selfish ambition, envy, and conceit. And if you haven’t found your “sin of choice” in my short list, you’ll probably find it in the Galatians list.
By contrast, the Apostle Paul also showcases the spiritual traits that are to be present in our lives. Perhaps you can rattle them off with me. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. By replacing a sinful nature attitude with a spirit-filled attitude, we are able to live life by the Spirit. We are able to “keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25)
By making Jesus the Lord of our lives, we also make the decision to follow the guidelines of the Spirit instead of our sinful nature. Paul says it this way. “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature.” (Galatians 5:24 – NIV)
Oh, I know those “dead leaves” are going to show up. But once we’ve recognized the sinful behavior, we must rid our lives of its death. And in its place, we fill the void with life. Abundant, everlasting life that only comes through Jesus Christ and His Spirit.
My goal is to have the dead palm leaf off my wall today. Are there any “dead leaves” that you need to rid your life of? Maybe it’s time to ask the Holy Spirit to help. That’s part of His job!
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,