“S” – Blogging A to Z


Here we are, nearing the end of the alphabet in this A to Z challenge. What’s even more amazing is that as we come to the close of this challenge, May will be upon us! That means we are 1/3 of the way through 2015! Yikes!


sToday we are going to chat a bit about the letter “s.” From the article I’ve been using for my venture through the alphabet, Ms. Marquez suggests that if we save up, our happiness will be boosted.


It seems that the clink of coins in a piggy bank is the sound of happiness. Someone named Howell in this article says, “You reap pleasure from literally seeing savings grow. If you save for something special, you’ll also get the satisfaction of anticipation.”[i]


I get it. We live in a world that encourages having something in the bank. But I also know what Jesus has to say about this topic.


In Jesus’ discourse from Luke 12:22-34, Jesus points out that we are to do one thing in relation to saving up. We are to “seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.”


I get it. It’s hard to seek God’s kingdom above the things we need…or maybe I should say the things we want. There is a little verse in here that I believe we overlook. Luke 12:30 (NIV) says, “For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them.”


God knows what you need. And when we seek God’s will for our lives; when we pursue God’s righteousness; when our minds are focused on kingdom things; everything we need will be provided.


The last verse in this section of Scripture also gives us some insight into this idea. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:34 – NIV) If all we can think about are the cares of this world (what will I wear, what will I eat, is there enough money saved, etc.), we will neglect and ignore what God wants us to be focusing on. We will toil and spin because we have to do it. It’s all on us.


Instead, when we focus on what Jesus has asked us to focus on (God’s Kingdom), then there is no need to worry, spin our wheels, or work endlessly and tirelessly to make ends meet.


Just one more piece of Scripture. In Luke 12:28, Jesus accuses His audience of lacking faith. I believe Jesus can accuse you and me of the same. Why isn’t my faith strong enough to believe that my needs will be provided by my heavenly Father? Well, because I’m busy with all the toiling and spinning to make it work on my own instead of seeking God’s Kingdom first.


So what do we do about it? I believe it’s a journey. One step of faith at a time. Day-by-day getting a little closer to Jesus and further away from the trappings of this world. Before you know it, we are right where we should be. Seeking God’s Kingdom first and allowing the rest to be covered by God. That’s the goal friend. Not the big savings account.


Now, don’t go out and get rid of your savings account. I’m not asking that. But what I am asking is “what do you put first? God or your savings account?” At the end of the day, what does Jesus say to you? “Oh you of little faith?” or “Well done, good and faithful servant?”


Saving money may bring happiness for a moment, but seeking God’s Kingdom first will bring abundant joy for eternity. That is definitely an attitude booster!


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



[i] “More Bliss, Less Stress: A to Z Happiness Boosters to Try Today,” Jennifer Rainey Marquez, Good Housekeeping, Vol. 260, No. 4, page 115.

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