I enjoy reading Old Testament accounts of God showing up in people’s lives. Sometimes bizarre, sometimes gently, sometimes with raging force, God showed up in miraculous ways to our Old Testament friends.
Adam and Eve encountered God on their regular walks through the garden in the cool of the day. Judges tells us that the angel of the Lord observed Gideon from under an oak tree before approaching him. Samuel heard the Lord call to him in the middle of the night. Jacob wrestled with God all night long. The Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream to ask what he desired. Elijah found God was in a gentle whisper. And Moses encountered God in a burning bush.
If you know your biblical stories, you might know that the burning bush incident was not the only time Moses encountered God. In Exodus 24 we see another moment when God and Moses spent time together. Let’s see what happened.
God had promised Israel the land of their dreams. God had also prepared the way for them to live in the land. Between God and Israel, there was a Covenant. There were many pieces to this Covenant, but one of the main things God asked of them was that they worship God and God alone. None of the idol worship that they had encountered in Egypt. And in Exodus 24:3 the people responded to God’s Covenant by saying that they would do everything God told them to do.
After this confession of faithfulness, Moses was to take Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and the seventy elders of Israel to the mountain of God. It’s interesting that Exodus 24:9-11 says that this group of men saw God. The only description of God at this point says that “under his feet was something like a pavement made of sapphire, clear as the sky itself.” (Exodus 24:10 – NIV) How interesting! This passage goes on to say that God didn’t raise His hand against them. This group of men saw God and survived!
But then God pulled Moses aside and said, “Come up to me on the mountain and stay here.” (Exodus 24:12 – NIV) Moses was given the special invitation to spend some time with God. Here’s something for us to think about. This special invitation is given to each one of us. God wants to spend time with you and me. Are you accepting this invitation daily?
As this encounter continues, Moses goes on up the mountain of God and the glory of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai. From below, the people saw God as a consuming fire on top of the mountain. But that was not what Moses encountered. Another point we might keep in mind is that people encounter and think of God in different ways. Our perception of God determines our reaction to Him. This might be the reason a friend or family member hasn’t accepted Jesus as their Savior. Just a thought.
Now here is the interesting piece to this story. Moses sat on the glory-filled clouded mountain for six days. We don’t know what Moses did during those six days, but I suspect he worshiped his God. We don’t know what God did during those six days and I don’t even want to suggest what He was doing. But what we do know is that on the seventh day, God called out to Moses from within the cloud and Moses entered the cloud. There he stayed for forty days and forty nights.
Friend, do you hear God’s voice calling out to you? What is God asking or saying? Is God calling you to step into an area of ministry? Is God asking you to come to Him for rest? Is God reminding you of His laws and precepts He wants you to obey? Is God saying “let’s spend more time together”? What is God saying to you?
Today may be your seventh day. If so, I pray that you will be alert to God’s voice. I pray that you will respond to the voice of God. I pray that you will enter into a glorious encounter with the God of universe. Because you see, He is waiting for you on His mountain.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,