This has been a great week. Yesterday as I sat at my desk, a co-worker stopped by and asked how I was. I said “great!” She thought so. I had been smiling, nearly laughing when she came into my office. Her next question was, “why?”
In that next instant, I scanned my life and was pretty excited about what I am doing. My “jobs” at the church are more than a position where I make a few dollars each week. They are more than an occupation. They are ministry.
I love going to work. It’s fun, exciting and each day is different. I get to work alongside some pretty remarkable people who also view their day-to-day work as ministry.
My days are filled with to do lists and Bible study and chatting with people and making a difference in my little world. So yes, why not?
As a reminder for me, I’d like to share a passage of Scripture that I still love to read. Even when I’m feeling a little down, this is a great reminder of how God is at work in my life. See if you might need this reminder today as well.
“This is the good life—my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy, and my body is at rest. Who could want for more? You will not abandon me to experience death and the grave or leave me to rot alone. Instead, you direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life. As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending and I know true joy and contentment.” (Psalm 16:9-11 – The Voice)
Friend, I pray that you will know this same joy. Oh, yes, right now things are good for me. But the important thing here is that even when things aren’t going smoothly, this is the attitude I am to express. God is with us. God will not leave us alone. And as He leads and guides us, we walk together with Him in our beautiful life.
Today, I pray that you will find your rest, joy and contentment in God alone. And I pray that others will see you smiling.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,