Fall is just around the corner and that means, ladies will be gathering in churches all across the country to spend time together in God’s Word. It is truly my favorite time of the year!
Why? Because women are focusing on what God’s Word has to say to them. They are intentional. They are motivated. They have a great desire to do this one thing that will bring joy to their lives. What a blessing it is for me to see godly women seeking God’s message for their life.
If you are on the fence about joining a Bible study, please know that it is not too late. Any women’s ministry program across the country would be happy to take on a new member. So get out there. Find your place at the table. Allow God’s Word to penetrate your heart and transform that heart of stone to a heart of flesh. God can sure do some amazing things!
Rocky ladies, our Women’s Bible Connection starts next week, so go to rmcc.org to see all of the studies we have to offer at Niwot and Frederick campuses. There are also evening studies for the working ladies and if you have young children (or older kids), we have MOPS and Mom’s Next at Niwot and Mom’s Connect at Frederick. If you want to get connected Rocky, we’ll get you connected!
Why should we study the Bible?
- Because it is God’s Word – 2 Timothy 3:16
- Because of the benefits – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
- Because it is a light for our journey – Psalm 119:105
- Because we find encouragement and hope in its Words – Romans 15:4
- Because it brings us joy – Psalm 1:1-2
- Because we grow spiritually as we study the Bible – 1 Peter 2:2-3
Now these are just a few reasons to study the Bible, but these alone would create a real desire within me to get into the Word. What about you?
So today, I pray that you will not abandon God’s Word and that you find it within yourself to seek out a Bible study or small group to get into the Bible with. You will not regret it.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,