The Neighborhood


My neighborhood is under attack! It is exploding with new houses, construction, very large pieces of machinery, road closures and detours. It’s noisy, dusty and teeming with strangers. Growth, new life and improvements are promised, but this stage is not pretty. I get it, but boy is it frustrating.


???????????????????????????????One problem is that there is only one entrance and exit from our neighborhood. More and more people added to the neighborhood means more and more people trying to get through the tiny hole in the funnel. Maybe you’re getting the picture.


I’m thankful for progress. I’m thankful for new neighbors. I’m thankful for the boost in our economy. I am thankful. But it’s hard.


The same can be said of our spiritual growth and progress. Sometimes we have to get into God’s Word and really study a passage. Sometimes we have to read and come to understand precepts in Scripture that lead us to remove something from our lives. This growth process leads to transformation. And transformation leads to a deeper relationship with Jesus as well as a life that reflects Him.


But, this transformation cannot happen on your own. I am not qualified or able to jump on one of these big pieces of machinery in my neighborhood. I would destroy more than I built if I did. Just like the folks in my neighborhood who are building and changing and transforming, there are things in my spiritual life that I cannot do on my own. These are the areas that I must give to Jesus and allow God’s Spirit to do the work.


Temptation can be overwhelming, but when we give it to Jesus, he provides a way out for us to escape (1 Corinthians 10:13). If you find yourself continually falling into sin because of temptation, this is a matter to give over to Jesus. Whether it is a sexual in nature, tongue related or a matter of the heart, we just have to allow God’s Spirit to work on it.


I will continue to work my way out of my neighborhood. I will put up with the inconveniences. But I sure look forward to the final transformation that is taking place. I am looking forward to my spiritual transformation as well. I pray that you are going through the transformation process as well.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance,



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