I wonder how I miss things. Obvious things. Things that I see every single day. Things that I overlook. Things that are never seen.
Take for instance all of the templates in Microsoft Word. How have I missed seeing them? I open Word every day. Multiple times every day, and yet, I always click “create a new blank page.”
This may change.
In my version of Word, there are 36 folders filled with loads of templates. Some are quirky. Some are juvenile. But there are a few that I really like.
So here’s what’s been happening for me. With my new position as women’s ministry director, I’ve been creating documents for our ladies. Some are for advertising, some for email and others for cards or flyers to distribute. For all of these items, I’ve been coming up with my own ideas (now I will give credit to Pinterest where I find a lot of great ideas for some of my pieces). But I have to tell you, I’ve spent hours working on these items.
I think my job just got easier! Why? Because someone else has already put the time and effort and ability into creating beautiful templates that I can throw my information into! I don’t have to reinvent the wheel!
In our spiritual lives, we aren’t called to reinvent ourselves either. We are called to allow God’s Spirit to transform us. Romans 12:2 (NIV) reminds us, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
You see, the world throws “templates” at us. The evil one wants us to fall in line with what everyone else is doing. He wants us to “conform.” We see over and over in the Old Testament how God’s children would mimic worship practices from other cultures. That’s what the devil desires for us as well.
But God’s Word tells us to “put off the old self” and to “put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” (Ephesians 4:22-23 – NIV)
It may be easier to use the “template” of this world, but it certainly isn’t better.
Today, you may find yourself trying on “templates” of this world. But I can guarantee none of them will fit. None of them will satisfy. None of them will create the wholeness you desire.
Why? Because God is the only One who can fill the recesses of your heart. God is the only One who truly loves you and wants what is best for you. Only God.
So, why not allow God’s Spirit to do His work in your life? Allow Him to transform your life. Allow Him to recreate you in His righteousness and holiness. And then stand back. What a beautiful creation He has made. You!
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,