Last night as I headed to bed, I noticed how big and bright the moon was. I don’t follow the phases of the moon, so I don’t know if it was full. If it wasn’t, it was pretty close.
I took a couple pictures of the moon, even zoomed in with the camera on my phone. The result shocked me! The stars, which were invisible to the naked eye suddenly, became clear. What I couldn’t see, the lens on my camera not only saw them, but showed them to me!
As a believer of Jesus, I have God’s Spirit within me to help me see what I don’t normally see. I’m able to see through spiritual eyes, God’s eyes, that which is happening around me. It may be a nudge from the Holy Spirit to stop and visit with someone, only to find out that things are not going as well as projected. It could be God’s Spirit alerting me to a false teaching. Or it simply could be showing compassion to someone who might otherwise have been overlooked.
Jesus shared a couple of benefits of the Holy Spirit in His teachings from John 14. This is what He said. “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth.” (John 14:16-17 – NIV)
From this passage we see the Holy Spirit has been given to us to lead us in wisdom to make decisions or to know what’s happening in a situation. But we also see that we find truth in God’s Spirit. He must be our compass for truth. Jesus talks more about this in John 16:13.
In John 16:8 (NIV), Jesus mentions that the Spirit came to “convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment.” God’s Spirit convicts me of my sin. As I become more in tune with God’s message and His Spirit, I come to see areas of my life that are not in line with His commands. But as Romans 8:26 tells us, the Holy Spirit will help us when we are weak.
We also see that the Holy Spirit is with us to teach us and to remind us of what we’ve learned. “The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:26 – NIV) God’s Spirit leads, guides, and directs us into all truth and He will help us to recall such truth. So thankful for this role of the Holy Spirit!
When I don’t know what or how to pray for a situation, God’s Spirit is at work. He is sharing my heart and thoughts with God. He intercedes for me in a way I don’t understand. Romans 8:26-27 tells us about this relationship the Spirit has with God. What a blessing to know that even in my weakness, God’s Spirit is strong.
These are just a few ways that God’s Spirit opens my spiritual eyes to what I can’t see with my physical eyes. And here’s some good news. God’s Spirit is available to all believers of Jesus.
It doesn’t matter who you are, what your station in life might be, or if you’re considered a saint or sinner. If you have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, the Holy Spirit is within you. He is at work within you. His spiritual eyes are available to you.
I must say that I’ve not been as accepting to the Holy Spirit’s leading in the past. I’ve ignored some the prompting. I’ve misread a few messages. I’ve turned my back on the guidelines. But when I decided to really make this relationship with Jesus work, the eyes of my heart were then able to see all that was going on around and within me. God’s Spirit really was and is my Helper.
If you don’t know Jesus as the One who is able to do remarkable things in your life, please talk to someone about giving your life to Him. It could be here in this forum or with someone else, but I encourage you to make that decision.
The moon was beautiful last night, but the beauty of God’s Spirit far surpasses anything in nature. How blessed we are to call Him Friend.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,