A friend of mine mentioned that her 6th grade students were ending the school year by writing a six-word memoir. She asked her friends on Facebook to share what their six-word memoir might be. There are some serious responses, some funny replies and some thought provoking memoirs. I thought it was an excellent exercise.
So I started thinking of my six-word memoir. I came up with several. Okay, more than several, but I got on a roll and just kept going.
What’s done for Christ is worthwhile.
I will follow wherever You go (Luke 9:57b).
My life is in You, Lord.
All my heart, soul, strength, mind.
Daughter, Sibling, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Friend.
Salt and light in this world.
May others see Jesus in me.
Heart felt thoughts. Words to paper.
Be kind. Speak gently. Love unconditionally.
Christmas is just around the corner.
Sinner, saved by grace. Living gracefully.
Love to cook. Love to eat.
I then wondered what some of our Biblical character friends’ six-word memoirs might be. Here are a few I came up with.
Abraham – God will provide all my needs.
Moses – Floating. Fleeing. Herding. Leading. Wandering. Encountering.
Ruth – Your God will be my God.
Peter – You are the Christ, God’s Son.
Paul – Chief of sinners. Saved by grace.
Ananias and Sapphira – Greedy plot that didn’t end well.
Obviously, there is more to our lives than just a six-word memoir. Just look at how many different six-words I came up to describe my life. And to be honest, this is just a fun exercise. But it does make me stop to think about what I want others to know about me.
What do you want others to know about you? What would your six-word memoir be? Then after you’ve come up with one (or 20), think about what Jesus wants others to know about you. What would your six-word memoir be as a Christian?
This is not my typical blog post, but it does cause me to reflect upon my life. Not just my physical life, but also my spiritual life. So today, why not come up with your own six-word memoir (or multiple memoirs)? And once you’ve done so, ask yourself if it is pleasing to God.
I pray that your day is filled with God’s abundant blessings.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,