A friend of mine mentioned that her 6th grade students were ending the school year by writing a six-word memoir. She asked her friends on Facebook to share what their six-word memoir might be. There are some serious responses, some funny replies and some thought provoking memoirs. I thought it was an excellent exercise. […]
Posts Tagged ‘Ananias and Sapphira’
Six-Word Memoir (Sabbatical Post)
January 21st, 2016 dsisler
Posted in Abide, Ask, Believe, Choose, Listen, Love, Obey, Please, Remember, Seek, Trust Tags: 1 & 2 Peter, Abraham, Ananias and Sapphira, Moses, Peter, Ruth, Six-Word Memoir (Sabbatical Post), spiritual growth, what am I about? No Comments »
Percy’s Box (Sabbatical Post)
January 10th, 2016 dsisler
I’ve mentioned my grandson Percy before. He is now just over 2 years old and he loves to explore. He loves to open doors. He loves to sit in the driver’s seat of cars and move, push or pull anything that moves. And he loves to push buttons. There is a button within […]
“P” – Blogging A to Z
April 18th, 2015 dsisler
As we continue our journey through the alphabet, we land on the letter “p.” One sure way to improve your attitude or boost your happiness is to pick up the tab. In the article written by Jennifer Rainey Marquez, she says that “treating a friend to a cappuccino offers a bigger happiness boost […]
Posted in Accept, Follow, Share Tags: 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, Ananias and Sapphira, Aquila and Priscilla, Caine and Abel, David and Jonathan, friendship, Jesus and the one He loved, Joshua and Caleb, Judas and the chief priests, Paul and Barnabas, paying it forward, Ruth and Naomi, Samson and Delilah, Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, “P” – Blogging A to Z No Comments »