NOTE: I lost a day somewhere this week! It’s Thursday folks, but I clearly woke up this morning thinking it was Wednesday! Oh my! I spent my time with God this morning with a single verse of Scripture. Philippians 1:21. I had a coloring page for this verse, so I picked up my […]
Posts Tagged ‘life’
A Cracked Crown
June 18th, 2015 dsisler
When my youngest daughter was 16 years old, she had one tooth that needed a crown. When we arrived at the dentist’s office, a young, handsome dentist presented my impressionable daughter with a single rose (it really was like a scene from a movie). This little act of kindness made the whole process much […]
August 15th, 2014 dsisler
“Happy Day” – Musical Musings in March
March 28th, 2014 dsisler