When I arrived home from work yesterday, my husband was on the phone with our bank. It was a pretty intense conversation and continued for nearly an hour. Someone in Bulgaria had managed to hack into our bank account. Not just our debit cards (which has happened so many times for my husband), but […]
Posts Tagged ‘waiting’
Second Sunday of Advent
We are in the full throws of Christmas. It’s the second week of advent and each person who is observing this special season knows what we are waiting for. The celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. Today’s blog post speaks of anticipation. Waiting for Christmas morning to see Joy’s reaction to her […]
The Wait
It’s the day after Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried. Now the disciples and followers waited. Waited for the day they could prepare Jesus’ body for final burial. Waited for whatever might happen next. They certainly weren’t sure what was going to take place. If you had been a follower of Jesus, what […]